
SUSTAINABILITY REPORT - ‘we only grow together’.


Our Group’s first Sustainability Report is the culmination of a long path of development and the deliberate and steadfast decision to report to the public in a transparent manner, well ahead of the timescale of the proposed new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

We were born in 1963 and have evolved under the banner of innovation and transversality. These two assets are at the heart of sustainability: without innovation, sustainability cannot take place, just as it cannot manifest itself withoutXand synergy between different worlds such as the environment, the economy and society, understood as human capital, to which we have always given our full attention.

Today, sustainability is not immediately associated with the world of construction and building sites. Our intention is to reverse this trend by demonstrating how such an approach, already ingrained in the company culture, is possible.
From planning to design, from the Xion of raw materials and their impact profiles to internal best practices and the involvement of all stakeholders: in every action we seek to preserve and enhance environmental resources.

Our Group is therefore directly involved in changing mindsets and making a transition that starts with a holistic system of governance and takes into account the multiple aspects of the creation of a work, without overlooking the importance of raising awareness among suppliers with tools such as due diligence of social and environmental aspects and shared growth and training paths.

A major challenge of responsibility in following a path of change based on ESG indicators and the UN 2030 Agenda, looking ahead to ambitious Italian and European targets.

Productive and also social sustainability demonstrated with a historic focus on corporate welfare and the health, safety and the growth of human capital, as well as a concrete commitment to defend and support the communities of the areas in which it operates. Respect, gender equality, trust and care: for us, it is fundamental to ‘support’ the person and the family as a whole. This is also why the issue of worklife balance is approached with inclusivity in mind, with the same options – working from home and part-time working – offered to all employees without distinction.

In order to contribute to the achievement of the Paris Agreement climate change targets, Carron is announcing a strategy to reduce its emissions and aim to reach climate neutrality by 2050. The company has set a target of zero Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2030 (Carbon Neutrality) and zero Scope 3 emissions by 2050 (Net Zero).

In our first Sustainability Report, we present and share our achievements to date and our commitment to the future, with that transparency and trust in others that has always set us apart. Because ‘we only grow together’.