ConstructionSede societaria
Masoni S.p.A. Industria Conciaria owns the two-story building at Via Fermi 4, Santa Croce sull’Arno (Pistoia, Italy). Built in the 1970s, it was recently renovated and is presently used as a tannery. The project provides for the expansion of the existing building on the south side of the lot, for additional spaces for tannery activities. The expansion will be constructed against the existing building and consists of a volume with approximately 355 sq m of floor area, articulated on 3 floors above ground
and a basement level.
- Contracting entityMasoni S.p.A.
- Place Santa Croce sull'Arno (PI) view map
- Work start date13/04/2015
- Work end date23/09/2016
- Type of workSede societaria
- DesignerBeta Progetti Srl