The new logistic hub of excellence, Gucci ArtLab, falls into the context of the restoration of an abandoned industrial site. It is a large production and management complex, completed in December 2017 and inaugurated in April. The buildings have a total surface area of approximately 40,400 square metres, across an overall area of about 47,300 square metres. Carron has coordinated all works, completing the finishes on the interior and the pre-existing central building systems, in addition to undertaking to complete the seismic improvement of the existing structures in reinforced concrete. The project was drafted according to the LEED 2009 protocol, with a Gold level of certification having been achieved. The new production centre dedicated to leather goods and footwear contains areas for research, machinery, robotics and hand-working, with a total workforce of around 700 people.
- Contracting entityGucci Logistica S.p.A.
- Place Scandicci (FI) view map
- Work start date04/08/2014
- Work end date14/02/2017
- Type of workCollettività